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I wonder who or what you will welcome this week.

Will it be other people into the place where you are or will it be new things into your life.

I remember the moment I welcomed Jesus into my life. But you can ask me about that later.

I remember the refuse collectors at 7am this morning and in my heart, 

I welcomed them into the street as our bins definitely need emptying in this warm weather. 

As I go into school this week, other people will welcome me too.

And we welcome in so many different ways – if we imagine the word meaning ‘well come’ or good visit then so many people have cleaned, sanitised readied rooms and prepared so much for people to arrive. 

As we now get to the stage of being able to welcome others into our gardens and our homes, we also welcome many back into our lives that we have not seen for a very long time.

And I wonder what welcome we will have ready for these people.

But what about those that have very few people to welcome them? And what about those who have struggled with the time we have been through and will struggle again to get slowly back into our communities again. And those that have lost more than we did?

Jesus says that when we welcome people, we welcome Him too. Whenever we welcome those who few others even look at,  think about, talk to, we welcome Him and the Father who sent Him. In this way if we look at others as if looking into the eyes of God, if we believe also that all are made in the image of God and if we are firmly focussed on providing a welcome to all people then not only do we start building God’s kingdom here but we also encourage others to do likewise.

So this week, as you welcome the last week of term, as you welcome the summer, as you welcome people into your workplace or home, know that God sees your welcome and is welcomed too. 

May you welcome others with love and compassion as He welcomes you as a beloved Child of God.

Have a great day.