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When we were young, we used to make mix tapes.

Recording tracks of music off the radio or albums that we had.

Creating our own album of music to listen to in the car, in our room or in even more romantic circumstances – to a friend.

We would share tapes that summed up how were feeling or what most said ‘This is Me!’

During lockdown we bought an exercise bike and at that point I put together a playlist.

Songs to warm up to, songs to go quick with, and then slow songs to finish on.

Maybe you have the same for your walk, run or cycle.

Music can put words to how we are feeling, 

Music can drive us forward when our energy levels are lacking.

Music – as they say – makes the world go round.

At the end of a particularly hard week, the radio played ‘I’m still standing!’ and it summed up the past week and kept me going for the final day.

So – maybe we should say ‘Thank you for the Music’.

I wonder what your playlist has been through these times. 

Have you stuck with the same album or mixed it up a bit each time?

What will be your playlist at the end of the week?

Will it be ‘Simply the Best’ or ‘I’m still standing’?

Are you on ‘The Final Countdown’ yet?

If you are a little more classical in your approach, has your week included the ‘1812 Overture’ (with cannons obviously) or ‘The Planets Suite’ and will it end with ‘Ode to Joy’?

As we have prayed through these last few months, sometimes we have relied on prayers written by others to start off the words we want to say.

As we have worked through Lockdown-Life rather than ‘Park Life’, sometimes we have seen articles and memes by others to give us words to explain how we are feeling.

And Music is like that too when ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word’.

It helps us Lament, like we thought about yesterday, it helps us celebrate as we will do soon, 

and it helps us to connect with feelings we were not sure how to feel. 

And do not be afraid, Jesus says, for I am with you.

He celebrated at a wedding of a friend, wept at the tomb of another, stormed the temple, told off the disciples and smiled at those healed through faith. He understands the power of music as he learned the psalms as a boy, He feels the passion of the song as His spirit inspires us now.

So this week, get yourself a playlist ready.

For the last song of the day to play.

Or the first celebration you will have.

Or just to give words and meaning to the days and weeks ahead.

Make a mix that speaks of the thankfulness you have, the strength you needed and the everlasting love of God for you.

Make a mix that says This is Me God and I’m glad you are in my life.

Because – as cheesy as it sounds – we sometimes need to remember that if God is in the mix then it is a perfect mix.

May God give you a song to sing and a time to sing it. Amen.