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I love Musicals. My family less so.

I sing songs from them, listen to them on my phone, have been to see some in the West End over the years, 

and watch them on the telly when I have chance. And one of my favourites is The Sound of Music.

I still love the songs and especially ‘So Long, Farewell’

For those who can’t recall this song - The 7 children in the film, watched over and encouraged by the lovely Maria, 

get ready to sing a goodbye song to the party guests that are in the house.

And as they sing they all do their own part in their own way. It reminds me of us and the children and young people around us.


There’s a coming to terms with the time to say Goodbye.

Some want to stay because they are having a good time. Regardless of the need to say Goodbye, they don’t want to go.

And some just want to say goodbye properly. Short and sweet, now let’s go.

Some want to keep going, recognising they could do more here than going away.

Some want to leave on a high-note, a flourish, something to remember them. Worried that you’ll forget them.

Others are happy to go and some can’t bring themselves to say Goodbye at all.

And lastly some have to say Goodbye but need some help to go – picked up and walked away.

And then everyone needs a chance to say Goodbye too.

(If you want to check – it’s two and half minutes… )


This week we will say Goodbye to some. And Farewell to others.

We will say to most – ‘See you again in September’ and be ready to catch up and share Summertime stories.


As you say Goodbye this week, however you say your so-longs, remember that God goes with you and stays with you.

And as you wonder what everyone else is doing, whether far or near, remember God goes with them too.

In a summer a long while ago – we gave our families small teddy bears to take with them. 

As they holidayed or staycationed they took photos of the bears and sent them back to church to remind everyone else that just because we were apart, we still prayed and thought of one another. 

It was also a constant reminder that God went with us and was present wherever we were.

It also made the return the more joyful as we gave thanks for the summer.

This summer – Remember to give thanks for those who have blessed you. And give thanks for the break you might take.

Remember to give thanks for the time we had together this year and the joyful times we will share soon.

And Remember that even when we are far apart, we are all part of one Family of Faith and a Fellowship of Koinonia Students, Staff and Families.


Have a great summer and God Bless You in the days and weeks to come. Amen