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October and November see us in a season of remembering. We’ve already remembered International Week, Black History Month and some in our community have remembered Trafalgar Day. As we move through the coming weeks, we will remember All Saints Day and All Souls Day, the actions of Guy Fawkes and the fight for peace on Remembrance Sunday.

In all these things we remember those people who have been significant to us and our country, our community and our own lives. We remember those who have encouraged and inspired us and those who have fought for our freedoms and our families. I wonder who you will remember in these coming weeks, which special and significant people you will give thanks to God for and what prayers you will offer for them. 

My prayer is that we can all – either individually or as a community - find ways that are powerful, memorable and meaningful to remember those who are significant and special to us. May God bless you as you spend time remembering.