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Happy New Year! I hope you felt blessed over the Christmas and New Year break.

This month is a time of blessing for several different reasons...

New Year sees us blessing each other with best wishes for bright prospects and good opportunities to follow in the coming 12 months. Everyone hoping that the next year will be better than the last.

Epiphany – the visit of the Wise Men to Jesus and the Holy Family – sees many people asking for blessings upon their homes. Some chalk the message ‘20+C+M+B+20’ above their doors. This is a traditional blessing that reminds us of the blessings of the wise men (Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar) and how we hope to be blessed. It includes crosses that remind us that the baby Jesus is also the Jesus who died for us and rose again. It also includes CMB which is short for the Latin phrase ‘bless this house’. 

Lastly at the beginning of February we remember Candlemas - The Celebration of Jesus being presented to the Temple and being blessed as being the light of the world. In some churches we bless the candles we will use as they remind us of God sending His Light into the world.

My prayer is that you feel blessed by God as you begin a new year and a new decade.

My hope is that you find blessing in all that you do and offer blessing in all that you say.

And my challenge to you is that you find ways of blessing your community, church, school, families and homes.


May God the Father keep you in all your days.
May God the Son shield you in all your ways.
May God the Spirit bring you healing and peace.
May God the Holy Trinity drive all darkness from you and pour upon you blessing and light.