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At school and in Church we often say ‘The Grace’ together. These are the closing words in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians and comes after a long letter that tries to bring harmony to a group that is struggling. It feels like we are entering a time when we as a community, as a country, as many around the world may struggle as the weeks go on.

Paul asks the Church in Corinth to put all past things aside, sort their relationships out, try and agree with each other and live in peace. This seems to be a good time to encourage everyone to do this too. As we face unsettling times, times apart from each other, times unable to travel or visit or greet each other with a hug or a kiss, so we need to find other more creative ways of connecting with people and sharing God’s love and grace with others.

Although we can focus on the negative, let us shine the light of our faith and commitment and focus on the positive contributions we can make. Many people this week have dropped off food for the foodbank, made phone calls to ask if family or friends or neighbours need help, notes are being pushed through doors to let neighbours know that support is nearby. Share good news stories, share what you have if you are able, be good news to your neighbours and friends, give gracefully and generously as God gives to us.

Although Church Services and times of Collective Worship have been postponed, we now have new ways of contacting and connecting with people that must now be used to their fullest. There are already sermons on our Church website for you listen to and join in with worship, in the coming days and weeks we will be adding prayers and activities that you can do to join in with thousands locally and nationally praying and praising God in their own homes and in their own way.

What will you do to strengthen you and your family’s faith in these weeks to come?

Who can you reach out to in love and offer a smile or some bread and milk?

How can this change our world for the good of our community?