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Yesterday was the Queen’s 94th Birthday (Apr 21),

Today is World Earth Day (Apr 22),

Tomorrow is St. George’s Day (Apr 23) and Friday is…well it is Friday (The End of The Week – for many, for some it may even be Pay Day).

My question this morning is what are you going to choose to celebrate today.

It’s not a question that asks ‘what do you feel like celebrating today’ but what ARE you going to CHOOSE to celebrate today?

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! (Psalm 100:1)

There are many examples in the Bible that call on us to celebrate every day. The Psalms are strewn with instructions to celebrate, the words of Jesus in the Gospel call people to be full of life and give thanks to God for all that he has done. So given these examples  - what will you choose to celebrate?

Celebrations are good for the soul and a remedy for feeling a little lost and somewhat flat. Choosing to celebrate something takes time to be creative and to focus on something often outside our own lives. It helps us to see what others are celebrating, to find things in the cupboard to eat or drink and to raise our eyes with a smile and give thanks for something. It was fabulous the other day to receive many emails from people telling me how they give thanks and show gratitude (keep them coming – I want to collate them, anonymise them and share them with families and the world!). It was lovely to read down people’s lists of the first things they are going to do once lockdown has ended – again another way of celebrating the life we have to live once this has been put behind us (again keep those coming too – they are helpful to give others ideas).

Today is the 50th time that World Earth Day has been celebrated – maybe look and listen to this youtube film of amazing places around the world ( and give thanks for the world we live in, pray for those around the world that we know and love, and those we do not know. Pray for their safety and their health as many will be doing for us this very moment.

Tomorrow is St. George’s Day – a date for celebrating this country’s culture and assets. Spend some time looking up the colourful parts of our history, the story of St George himself (you’ll be surprised), drink tea, plan a roast dinner, and plan a trip to somewhere in this land.

Whatever it is, please find something to celebrate and share your celebrations with others.

Read Psalm 100 (it’s only 5 verses long) and use it to springboard your celebration of God in your life.

And remember Jesus came so that we could have life and have live it abundantly. (John 10:10)