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Do you have a song that sets you up for the day?

Something that reminds you of your strength and you ability to take on whatever the day has to hold for you?

Does it get your heart pumping, your mind focussed on what you are going to do today?

I have several – all for different days according to what I need and when I need it –

sometimes it’s a song that reassures rather than energises me (e.g.

But The Church of England starts each morning saying the Song of Zechariah together as a prayer. It comes from the beginning of Luke’s Gospel as John the Baptist is born and named. His father – Zechariah - filled with the Holy Spirit speaks over his son, and so in turn we could say, speaks over us. Words of promise and power, words that encourage and enable. Words that ground God’s people in the history of God’s power whilst promising the presence of His peace. If you have a moment to pause your day and read it to yourself then do.

See the words – about our Mighty Saviour who saves us from our enemies and all that stands in our way – remind us of the covenant that God makes between Himself and His people. A covenant, contract and agreement that we would give thanks for the things He has done as He sends us blessed and authorised to share His love in the world in whatever way we can.

What would our week look like, feel like, be like if we walked into it empowered with God’s Spirit within our hearts?

What would our thoughts be like, our words sound like, our hands respond like if God’s light shone in our lives to light our way?

How would our feet be guided, our step firmly placed, our stride me measured if God’s Son had walked there first?

This week – Imagine that your Guide is our God. Imagine that His Spirit is within your words and His life is within your breath.

May this week start with a blessing that continues through all your days that you might seek ways to bless others.

Have a blessed week. Remember I am praying for you.