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‘Halfway up the stairs is a stair where I sit.

There isn’t any other stair quite like it…’

Words of a poem by A.A.Milne who also wrote the Winnie the Pooh stories.

(But I remember them sung by Kermit’s nephew Robin in the muppets! )

A stair, as the poem suggests, to stop and consider the world and work out the complexities of the things that need understanding.

I wonder whether you have a space like that. Not a secret space away from everyone but a sacred space that you go to when you need to seek some understanding. A breathing space that allows the world to carry on whilst you consider it from a distance.

Maybe it’s up the kitchen table with a coffee, or on a walk with your earphones in.

Maybe it’s in the shower with the water running hot, or sitting on the grass in a park nearby.

And during this time of strangeness and continually changing routines, I wonder whether you’ve lost that sacred space.

Does it feel like you’ve lost the ability to pop out for a walk to clear your head or sit quietly in the house when the house is far from quiet?

Or do you feel like you just can’t let yourself go there in your head because there feels like too much there to come out here?

We all need the space and time to get our heads straight and we all need opportunities to disconnect from the chaos and gain some perspective.

And we all need to give ourselves permission to let our guards down enough to regain our strengths and connect with something stronger.

The prophets had mountaintops, the disciples had hillsides, Jesus had garden spaces.

Spaces to be away from it all, connect with God and pray about all the things going on in their heads.

And connecting with a loving heavenly Father gives them renewed strength.

And re-connecting our experiences with a Son under pressure from the world breaks down our isolation like we’re not alone any more.

And sensing the Spirit with us – in the silence or nature or within our own breath – breaks down what once was impossible into bite size pieces.

So today – if you haven’t got back to it in a while – find that sacred space once more.

Find some time to connect with God, connect with the quiet and if you can – connect with nature.

Feel the blessing of God’s beauty around you.

Feel the love that he pours over you – even if it feels like rain.

And Feel the strength return to face another day with God’s Spirit in our lives. Amen

Have a great day – I’m off the reconnect with my childhood love of the muppets and then carry on with zoom calls all day like a grown-up.

(If you want a giggle – watch this: It’s me to a tea! I love it!)