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It is a favourite subject of mine. 

Testing rather than talking about it is obviously better.

If there’s a selection then I try and make sure that I leave no one out.

Even as a breakfast option - I have done it.

And most lessons in life can either be taught with or improved by: CAKE.

Meetings that have included cake have been better meetings.

Sad times have been brightened with nice cake.

Happy times have been made better by good cake.

And the most unappetising main course has always been eclipsed but the tiniest slither of cake.

I wonder which is your choice, go to confectionary selection?

A sandwich, a traybake, a family favourite or a celebration cake that is baked but once a year.

Have you got a favourite go-to recipe that is tried and tested, or a food writer whose book is well thumbed and is on your shelf.

I’ve put you in the mood for cake now haven’t I? Sorry about that.

But as I was praying this morning I was drawn to the idea of adding something sweet to our daily prayers or readings or work.

It may not be food-based but a treat that ends a tricky task, closes a difficult day or gives light to a dreary demand.

Do you allow yourself some music? Or a game or a run or a sweet? 

Do you hold in your mind the call you will make, the programme you will watch or the biscuit (or cake) that awaits you?

Gathering as a church can be that reward for some. 

Listening to worship songs can uplift others.

Reminding ourselves of powerful scripture sentences can be just what we need.

Maybe today – make a list of those things that lift you, encourage you and bring brightness to you (the longer the better).

Maybe today – consider what go-to scripture sentences you need at hand at home or in work. Or the prayers you could say when you can’t think of the words you want.

Maybe today – bake or plan a bake a cake. Use it to celebrate something in your life ‘Happy Tuesday’ everyone. 

And as you eat your sweet treat remember that God is good and as we live our lives, His love is within us.

I’m thinking Chocolate tray bake with Chocolate Spread and smarties on top…What’s yours?

‘Happy Tuesday’ Everyone!