At St Mary Magdalene, Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) encompasses healthy relationships, social responsibility, personal well-being, promotes British Values and significantly contributes to our school’s vision and ethos. Many elements of the PSHE curriculum make strong links with other subject areas, including: PE, RE, Computing and Science.
PSHE is taught through discreet lessons and is also integrated into all activities, shared stories, assemblies and educational visits. In contributing to school life and the wider community, our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role – developing each child’s character and sense of community through both explicit and informal teaching opportunities.
CLICK HERE to view the Koinonia Federation Curriculum Map.
To ensure the PSHE curriculum remains relevant to our children’s lives now and prepares them well for the future, the content is reviewed regularly, providing:
- Accurate and relevant knowledge.
- Opportunities to transform that knowledge into personal understanding.
- Opportunities to explore, clarify and challenge their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities.
- The skills, language and strategies needed to live safe, healthy, fulfilling, responsible, balanced lives.
Circle-time sessions develop skills such as: listening, empathy, co-operation and respect and tolerance of different ideas and opinions.