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Click here to view the Koinonia Federation Equalities, Inclusion, Diversity & Objectives Policy

‘There are no problems here, there are simply people. People are made in the image of God. All of us, without exception, are loved and called in Christ. .... The way forward needs to be about love, joy and celebration of our humanity; of our creation in the image of God, of our belonging to Christ – all of us, without exception, without exclusion.’ (The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby: 2017)

Recently, some of our parents have contacted us or spoken with us about questions they have about how, as a Church of England School, we approach the subject of LGBTQIA+ people. As a school we ascribe to the Valuing All God’s Children guidance produced by the Church of England for its schools. 

Our approach with all our students is to offer safe spaces to learn and discuss sensitive issues that affect our school and wider community. This means understanding and respecting all people as children of God (Romans 8:14), as all being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and as being loved by God (John 3:16) regardless of their identity, sexuality, gender or any other characteristic that makes them different to others.

Although there are spaces and times to discuss different biblical interpretations or share our own beliefs, we encourage all students and staff to be respectful of others, speak in ways that we would like to be spoken to and be considerate of the feelings of others when sharing our views on any given subject.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies outline in more detail how we educate and learn about our community in ways that are in-line with the National Curriculum and our identity as a Church of England school.

We thank you for your support and prayers in these matters. We pray God’s blessing on all our families as we seek to bless all our children and young people.

Rev Dom