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  • Jubilee Celebrations

    Published 14/06/22

    On Friday 27th May, Peninsula celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 

    Our celebrations included children coming to school dressed as Kings and Queens, enjoying a picnic at lunchtime, completing a maths trail linked to the Jubilee and singing a special song composed for the Jubilee called ‘Rise Up and Serve’.  Each class learned about a country from the Commonwealth and this learning was shared in an assembly at the end of the day.

    All children and staff had a very blessed and happy day!

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    Published 13/05/22

    Why regular attendance is so important:

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  • Early Bird Reading in Bellamy, Orchard and Turner Classes

    Published 20/04/22
    We would like to invite Parents/Carers to join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8.40am – 9.00am for a reading session in the early years area. You will have an opportunity to choose a book and read with your child or listen to them
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  • Healthy Schools London Bronze Award

    Published 25/03/22
    We are very pleased to announce that St Mary Magdalene has been awarded a Bronze award for one of London’s Healthy schools. The school have worked hard to promote a healthy lifestyle, which includes encouraging children to eat a healt
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  • Canopy Competition!

    Published 22/03/22

    Canopy Competition!

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  • STEM WEEK 2022

    Published 21/03/22

    In the week beginning the 21st March 2022, St Mary Magdalene Peninsula celebrated STEM week. Our theme this year was ‘Why?’ Throughout the school we explored a range of exciting scientific investigations over the week based on this theme.

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  • Red Nose Day

    Published 18/03/22

    Red Nose Day is back on Friday 18 March 2022

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  • Number Day 2022

    Published 17/03/22

    Friday 4th February 2022 was Number Day.

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  • Coffee Morning 7th March 2022

    Published 07/03/22

    Coffee Morning with Rev. Dominic on 7th March 2022

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  • Reception 2022 Open Morning Tours

    Published 03/11/21

    Was your child born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018?

    You now need to be thinking of and applying for a primary school place.

    Open mornings will be held on:

    Friday 12th November 2021

    Friday 19th November 2021

    Friday 3rd December 2021

    Friday 10th December 2021

    Friday 14th January 2022

    All of our tours will be from 9.45am to 10.30am.

    You do not need to book your tour, however, we ask only one parent from each household attends the tours. 

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    Published 14/06/21


    Please view our school blog for the latest fun news and exciting activities our pupils have been involved in. 

    To view our school blog please click here

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