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From the Chaplain

Welcome to The Chaplains Corner!

 Rev Dominic Hubbuck

My role at the Federation involves supporting the spiritual input, faith development and the pastoral care of everyone in the school community.

My background before being ordained was working with children, young people and families. It has often included play, creating safe spaces for families and supporting people to explore faith as they do life.’

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  • Empathy Week

    Published 28/02/23

    Hello Everybody

    This week is Empathy Week in schools.   

    Empathy is a skill we can all try to learn to help us get close to understanding someone else's point of view. A way of considering the things that are going on in their lives before making judgements about how we would act, what we would say, what our attitude would be in the same situation. 

    This week we will be encouraging our students to consider what Empathy is and what it might look like in their school days. For the younger ones, it might involve how we can act kindly and think of others before ourselves. For our older students it might be how we react to other people's words or behaviours in a more mindful way. 

    Here's what the Empathy Week organisation say about it:

    Empathy is a vital skill that allows us to:

    • navigate, communicate and work alongside others.

    • understand another's perspective.

    • connect emotionally with others and the world around us.

    • better understand ourselves, our own backgrounds and bias.

    • navigate an ever-changing world.

    • increase our own personal and professional wellbeing.

    • avoid and resolve conflict - something we will all encounter whether we like it or not.

    As a final thought from me, I have read a lot of the work of an American Researcher - Brene Brown. In some of her work, she challenges people to think of others like this:

    Imagine the person you are cross with, frustrated about, disappointed in. Imagine for a moment that they are trying their best today. That they are doing what they can to get through today. 

    It might not be your best, or what you would choose, but it could be their best today. 

    Given that it's their best today, how can you respond to them in a more patient way, a more generous way, a way that gives them the benefit of the doubt. They are not maliciously trying to ruin your day, they might be doing the best they can today. 

    This week, let's encourage our young people and their parents this week. Let's show skills in empathy when we can. Then let's give ourselves the benefit of the doubt too, that we're trying our best today and that we can do what we can do - we don't have to be perfect. We just need to try our best. 

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  • Surprises

    Published 26/01/23


    Some people love surprises, others hate them. 

    Some want to know exactly what’s going to happen, others enjoy spontaneity. 

    As January settles down and we get used to seeing 2023 written down, I wonder whether you are hoping for some nice surprises in your year or if you have things planned that you hope will happen. 

    I am always struck by God’s big plan for his wonderful world. A big plan that expresses his love and concern for those he has created, but enough love to let us work it out in our own way and in our own time. 

    Some people ask the universe for good things, others challenge themselves to work real hard to see changes in their fortunes. I like to pray. 

    I pray for the plans I have, the hopes I have, the people I might meet who could help me on my journey. 

    I pray about the surprises that might come my way, the things that feel like obstacles and the things that bring joy and celebration. 

    My prayers extend to those who face the world and can’t imagine what the year will hold, either because they are fighting through each day or because the present time stops them from making plans. 

    Please join with me in praying at this time. 

    For those in need and those in joy. 

    For those who plan and those who are stuck. 

    For those who sense God beside them and those who have no one to turn to. 

    God, like a caring father for us all,

    Hear our prayers and surprise us with your love. Provide for us so that we may make plans that bring you glory. 



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  • Advent

    Published 12/12/22

    Advent is a time of preparation.

    We count down the days, we ready our homes and we change things.

    We change our decorations, we change our mood, we change our focus – often to family and friends and fun. 

    As you prepare for Christmas – 

    What will your focus be on? 

    What do you want your Christmas break be like? 

    What changes do you want to make?

    In church our Advent candles help us prepare – for us they represent Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Jesus.

    Why not consider what you are hoping for in the year to come, why not practice for a few minutes every day creating a moment of peace, why not do something that brings someone else a moment of joy, why not consider who you can tell how much you love and appreciate them. The love of Jesus is in all of these things.

    Lord God, 

    Send your spirit of HOPE into our lives.

    Bring us PEACE – in our world and in our hearts.

    Spread JOY in our communities.

    Help us to share LOVE for each other.

    And may JESUS be seen in everything we do this Christmas. Amen

    Have a good Christmas, and see you in the New Year.

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  • Light in our lives

    Published 23/11/22

    There are times in our year where we all need some more light in our lives.

    The evenings are getting darker quicker, the mornings are getting less bright, and the days are getting shorter.

    Add into that the bad news we see in our country, the violence and loneliness and poverty we see in our communities, and the sadnesses we sense in our families.

    What brings us light? Not the temporary, passing light that the world offers. A quick fix, a brief hit of happiness, a candle in the wind that easily goes out.

    Faith, hope and charity are things that last longer, have a bigger impact on us and our mental health, and often cost less than a retail spending spree to make us feel better for a while.

    Faith in a God who cares for us – regardless of our situation.

    Hope in our community – through the ones who love us and encourage us.

    Charity or generosity in our hearts – a smile shared, a meal offered, a drink given.

    And if we have these and share them, then the light grows brighter, if we have faith then we will weather any storm – even the weeks and weeks of rain that we’ve had recently. If we have hope then these seasons of darkness will be seen as fleeting. If we gather with others, share the happiness we have and inspire each other to find joy, then the light of Christ – that darkness can never put out – will be seen even on the dimmest days.

    Give thanks for faith and community.

    Seek moments of hope and joy.

    Pray for light and the courage to shine. Amen.

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  • Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    Published 10/09/22

    In this past week it feels like the world has changed. 

    We are surprised by the reaction of so many, we are saddened by the death of the Queen. 

    As a school we are thinking about belonging this term. As we explore what it is to belong to our school and community, we will think about belonging to our Federation of schools and to the nation. 

    As a country we will gather to give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II, we will pray for her family and the new King and we will consider the future. 

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  • Prayer for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II​​​​​​​

    Published 08/09/22

    It is with great sadness and much significance that we hear the news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died.

    We pray for her, we give thanks for life and her service. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

    We pray for her family and for the nation as we prepare for her funeral in 10 days time.

    We also pray for Charles and Camilla. God save the King and the Queen Consort.

    From Monday and until the funeral, there will be space in each campus to pray and offer messages of condolence.

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  • Belonging

    Published 06/09/22

    This term we are looking at Belonging. 

    We belong to so many things. Groups, families, clubs, and this school community. 

    This week I have been asking our students what barriers they feel they have to being happy or happier. We could ask the same about what stops us feeling like we belong. 

    Let’s take a moment to consider that we all belong to God. We are God’s loved children, valued for who we are - regardless of how the world looks at us. 

    As we pray this week, let’s pray for those who feel lost, isolated or left out. Let’s pray for those who worry about the obstacles they see ahead of them. Let’s give thanks for belonging. Amen. 

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  • End of the Year messages and prayers

    Published 20/07/22

    The sun sets on this academic year gone by and we recall the hard work and effort we have put in. As the sun rises on the next part of our journeys, we give thanks for those who have been with us and travel on to different places, we consider the hope in the coming weeks and months for a new school year, and we look forward to those who will join us on our journey. And although the time between sunset and sunrise feels dark, it is full of the hope and promise that the light will shine and our faith will be strong.

    Praise God that this year is finished and we have made it.

    God give us all rest and relaxation this summer.

    And God guide us on the way ahead. 

    Prayers that I share with you at the end of this year -

    God our Father,
    we praise and thank you for the gift of this school year,
    a time filled with grace and blessings,
    opportunities and challenges.
    With the fulfilment of our summer hopes and dreams,
    watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead.
    Guide us each day
    and help us to return to school
    with a new refreshed spirit and energy
    to continue in our journey of enjoyment, achievement and learning.
    Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

    Loving God,

    As we reflect on the year just past and all that happened within it,

    We give thanks for the times this year where you have felt near.

    As we remember the tough times, the sad times, the times that we would rather forget,

    Help us to learn from them and move forward.

    As we consider where we are now and what we will do next,

    Give us the imagination and motivation to set new goals and continue to seek your support.

    Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

    Lord God,

    From where we have come from, in faith - grant us peace and joy.

    As we are here as a fellowship in this space, give us insight and help us to be humble

    As we go from this place, bring us safely back to this school family.

    May God bless you and all whom you care for this day and forever more.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • A Satnav

    Published 16/06/22

    A Satnav is an incredible thing. It allows us to plot our course and also reassure ourselves that although we may be stuck just now, the end of this obstacle is only just ahead. 


    As we look forward to the end of this school year and consider the route through next year, many might seek strength and reassurance from their faith. It offers them the resilience they need to sit with things that are not comfortable but hopefully soon passed and it assures them that someone above it all has a direction set out for us. 

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  • A time of celebration

    Published 09/06/22

    ‘God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can understand what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their activities—this is the gift of God.’ Ecclesiastes 3:11-13

    After a time of celebration with the Jubilee and Pentecost, we look forward to the summer and all that holds for us. Sunny weather, brighter days, lighter nights and opportunities to think on the year gone by. As our children and young people finish up their school year, it is always interesting to think about what we and they have learned in that time. What have we experienced, what life lessons have we understood, what have been our achievements – both in school and out.

    Maybe now is a good time to reflect on the things we have seen and done, for our achievements and the hard times we have been through. To give thanks for the growing we have done, and for God’s presence in our lives.

    God of Heaven, we give thanks for the days that have gone and the things we have learnt. Bless us in our efforts to be kind, joyful and lead lives that bring glory to you. Amen.

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  • A prayer for those being tested...

    Published 11/05/22

    At this time, so many of us are being tested.

    Our Year 6 students are sitting SATS, our Year 11s are preparing for their GCSEs, and many of us are feeling tested by the changes in food prices and fuel costs. All of this after feeling tested by the last 2 years. Challenging times indeed.

    It is therefore more important that we remember our faith and the strength that comes from God. The Prophets were tested and remained faithful, Jesus was tested, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Mary Magdalene were all tested. All drew strength from God and faced each new day as it came.


    Lord God, our strength and our salvation,

    Sustain us when we are low or feeling fragile.

    Lift us when we are sinking,

    Save us when we feel lost.

    Give us hope to face each trial and test,

    Remind us of your presence.



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  • A few thoughts...

    Published 22/06/21

    There are some days when I wake up weary.

    It’s not exactly tiredness and not quite depressed.

    It’s more that the bounce is going to take some work to get going – and it may not bounce at all today.


    I name it because when we name things we gain some power back in dealing with it.

    To name the way you are feeling and give words to it allows us to measure it, observe it and process it.


    I’ve been speaking today with some students about the power of words.

    They have the power to hurt and the power to heal. 

    They have the strength to cut down and the strength to lift up.

    They have the glue that sticks us down or the glue that holds us together.


    There are words of blessing being spoken over us by the angels in heaven and the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

    There are words of love and encouragement in the pages of our Bibles that speak worth and value into your very bones.


    Not because you’ve got your planning and reports done, but because you are made in His image.

    Not because you’re class is the best behaved and neatest, but because He loved you enough to sacrifice everything for you.

    And not because you have everything together but because he knows how fragile we are sometimes - and after all you are a child of God.

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