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From the Chaplain

Welcome to The Chaplains Corner!

 Rev Dominic Hubbuck

My role at the Federation involves supporting the spiritual input, faith development and the pastoral care of everyone in the school community.

My background before being ordained was working with children, young people and families. It has often included play, creating safe spaces for families and supporting people to explore faith as they do life.’

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  • Chained Up or Linked In

    Published 02/06/20

    Everyday we link up with a lot of people.

    Whether we get social media notifications about friends and family.

    Messages and posts about things to watch, groups to join or silly quizzes to take.

    They are all there to link us in.

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  • Mary visits Elizabeth

    Published 02/06/20

    On June 1st the Church remembers the visit Mary made to her relative Elizabeth.

    I wonder whether they talked of the extraordinary things that had happened to get them to where they were 

    and what they’d need to do in order to get through the next steps.

    During today’s prayers, I was reminded of the times when we need to share our worries with each other, laugh at how silly things seem sometimes and hold each other – either in love and support or accountable for the things we have promised ourselves (to be kind and patient with ourselves, to breathe before responding, to try and be less stressed/more understanding).

    Oh – and we (as a church) are celebrating the safe delivery of 2 babies to 2 families – a little boy last night and little girl early this morning.

    God is Good! Let’s rejoice in what we can.

    Still praying for you…

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  • It just shouldn't work...

    Published 01/06/20

    I don’t know about you but for me it has felt like we’ve all been sailing through the same storm and although we have not got to the ‘getting back to normal’ part yet, we find ourselves needing to step into a new phase - and it doesn’t come without its worries and its woes.

    Lockdown is being eased slowly in some regards and quickly in others and you may be feeling like its too slow because normal needs to come back now or too quick and that there’s not enough time to readjust in order to feel totally secure in all this.

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  • It's ok to be Messy...

    Published 22/05/20

    We are I don’t know how many weeks into Lockdown and things feel a bit messy.

    The house is not looking its best. The garden should be looking better. And I’m not looking very tidy either.

    The next few weeks are feeling messy too.

    Some are still to stay at home, some are to go to work, and classrooms are feeling messy because the no-one is quite sure what’s happening next.

    But I need to remind myself that Messy is not all that bad. 

    God works with Messy and if He can then I can try that too.

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  • Thy Kingdom Come...

    Published 21/05/20

    Thy Kingdom Come is a global call to prayer by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York between Ascension (today) and Pentecost (May 31st).

    From Now until Pentecost in 10 days time churches around the world are praying for all people. 

    You can find more information at:

    This year the Key Themes are Prayer and Care: Care for those we are praying for, pray for those we are caring for.

    If you would like to take part – here is some information about how:


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  • You will receive power...

    Published 21/05/20

    Today is the Feast of the Ascension – consider that – permission to celebrate and feast...

    Today is Ascension, the day we remember forty days after Jesus’ resurrection when we celebrate that Jesus is lifted into Heaven in front of His disciples.

    Ascension is also 10 days before we celebrate the birth of the Church, the arrival of the Holy Spirit – Pentecost.

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  • Big Love...

    Published 20/05/20

    We are in the middle of Mental Health Awareness Week. Maybe you’ve seen some posts, reminders and emails about it.

    This year the theme is Kindness Matters and I have included the link to the page where you get some really good ideas about being kind to yourself and kind to others.

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  • To be Restored...

    Published 19/05/20

    ‘For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for you to prosper and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11

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  • He will guide our feet...

    Published 18/05/20

    Do you have a song that sets you up for the day?

    Something that reminds you of your strength and you ability to take on whatever the day has to hold for you?

    Does it get your heart pumping, your mind focussed on what you are going to do today?

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  • Will you mask your faith...

    Published 15/05/20

    Last week I taught my children how to work the sewing machine.

    An 8, 12 and almost 15 year old, a sharp needle and an accelerator pedal. What could go wrong?

    It’s my pride and joy – we got given it as a wedding present - and when I got it out and dusted it off, I was beaming and excited to get sewing again.

    We all made masks for ourselves as a practice for making more. Maybe for others. A life skill shared (sewing) and a passion passed on.

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  • In Fellowship...

    Published 14/05/20

    Awe came upon everyone, because of the many wonders and signs being done by the Apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common.

    This is two verses from the book of Acts, in the early days of the believers gathering together and forming what we would call churches. It speaks of fellowship and partnership. It speaks of everyone having a part to play, everyone being together – in Spirit if not in person. And it strikes me now as vital to the way we journey forward in difficult and uncertain days ahead.

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  • The Fruits of your Labours...

    Published 13/05/20

    Halfway through your week and sometimes you wonder what you have actually managed to achieve.

    It gets to Wednesday sometimes and you think of all the work you need to finish by the end of the week and wince.

    And by Friday you hope to have completed your ‘to-do’ list, now able to sit back and smile at a week well worked.

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