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From the Chaplain

Welcome to The Chaplains Corner!

 Rev Dominic Hubbuck

My role at the Federation involves supporting the spiritual input, faith development and the pastoral care of everyone in the school community.

My background before being ordained was working with children, young people and families. It has often included play, creating safe spaces for families and supporting people to explore faith as they do life.’

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  • Memory - the great gift we have...

    Published 23/04/20

    For those of you who saw the Cats film earlier this year, don’t worry I’m not going to bring back the memories of that.

    For those of you immediately thinking – Oh I used to have one of those but I forget what happened to it. Don’t worry.

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  • Celebrate Something Every Day...

    Published 22/04/20

    Yesterday was the Queen’s 94th Birthday (Apr 21),

    Today is World Earth Day (Apr 22),

    Tomorrow is St. George’s Day (Apr 23) and Friday is…well it is Friday (The End of The Week – for many, for some it may even be Pay Day).

    My question this morning is what are you going to choose to celebrate today.

    It’s not a question that asks ‘what do you feel like celebrating today’ but what ARE you going to CHOOSE to celebrate today?

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  • It's all about you...

    Published 21/04/20

    I don’t know if you know the song by McFly but it’s been going around my head for days.

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  • Waves of hope...

    Published 20/04/20

    We made it!

    Like when we’ve done Boxing day and put the tree away for another year, we have reached Easter Season in the church calendar and by now most of you will be scouring the house for the last remnants of chocolate eggs (hoping maybe that you forgot one or two maybe…)

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  • The Lenten Lessons we Learn...

    Published 03/04/20

    Loo roll is highly desirable when there is none to buy.

    Even the tins in the cupboard that were overlooked for years become possibilities for dinner.

    Actually you really liked company even when you said you didn’t.

    Who knew clapping could make you cry.

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  • May God bless you while you plan dinner...

    Published 02/04/20

    Food is one of my favourite things.

    Don’t worry – I’m not about to break into a song about a few of my favourite things…although Musicals do rank highly in my book!

    Food is amazing for so many things.

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  • Life in all its fullness...

    Published 01/04/20

    I wonder what you’ve got planned for today…something that involves a bit of fun I hope.

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  • A blank canvas...

    Published 31/03/20

    Researchers reckon that for something to become a habit, you need to do it about 60 times before it becomes something automatic. Some of us pick it up within 18 and others can take upto 256 times. I don’t think we are there yet.

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  • Fill your week with hope…

    Published 30/03/20

    This weekend we were introduced to the delights of Disney+. A new way of watching many many films and programmes that the household name had produced since the 1930s.

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  • The Signs are there...

    Published 27/03/20

    I don’t know whether you joined us last night at 8pm. We stood at open windows and Clapped the Carers.

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  • Nothing can Separate us…

    Published 26/03/20

    If you would like something to read today then you could do worse than look at Romans Chapter 8.

    (Because this is a letter from Paul to the Church in Rome, it can come across as a bit of a complicated lecture with each sentence making you ask more questions than it answers. You find yourself saying ‘Wait, what?’ but it is worth reading Chapter 8 because it contains some of the most encouraging things we find in the New Testament.)

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  • When Gabriel visits Mary…

    Published 25/03/20

    Today is remembered in the church calendar as the Feast of the Annunciation – when Gabriel visits Mary. (Luke 1:26-38)

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