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From the Chaplain

Welcome to The Chaplains Corner!

 Rev Dominic Hubbuck

My role at the Federation involves supporting the spiritual input, faith development and the pastoral care of everyone in the school community.

My background before being ordained was working with children, young people and families. It has often included play, creating safe spaces for families and supporting people to explore faith as they do life.’

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  • Praying

    Published 23/03/20

    The night has passed and the day lies open before us; let us pray with one heart and mind.

    As we rejoice in the gift of this new day, so may the light of your presence, O God, set our hearts on fire with love for you; now and for ever. Amen.

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  • Peace be with you…

    Published 19/03/20

    Change can be disruptive and unsettling. As the situation changes, so we need to catch up and find a new normal to help us settle and be at peace. Jesus’ presence brought peace to his Disciples, the Holy Spirit brought peace to the early churches.

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  • Unconditional Positive Grace

    Published 18/03/20

    At school and in Church we often say ‘The Grace’ together. These are the closing words in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians and comes after a long letter that tries to bring harmony to a group that is struggling. It feels like we are entering a time when we as a community, as a country, as many around the world may struggle as the weeks go on.

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  • Many shall not live by bread alone…

    Published 03/03/20

    …but by every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

    We are now in the season of Lent and as the cloths are changed to purple, so we are encouraged to become thoughtful, prayerful and focussed on God. The Bible Quote is from Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness during his 40 days of fasting and praying – preparing himself perhaps for the 3 full years of ministry, his death and resurrection.

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  • Telling Stories – Making sense of the world...

    Published 07/02/20

    This week I have had the opportunity to share stories with many of the children and young people around the federation. Stories from the Bible, stories out of books, traditional stories and also stories from my own life.

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  • The Chapel is for everyone…come and see.

    Published 21/01/20

    When I arrived, the Chapel was closed up and tidied away. It was waiting for something to happen and someone to love it into life. Each Half Term I have made sure that something interesting is in it, around it or visually eye-catching about it.

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  • A Community Remembering…

    Published 21/01/20

    October and November see us in a season of remembering. We’ve already remembered International Week, Black History Month and some in our community have remembered Trafalgar Day. As we move through the coming weeks, we will remember All Saints Day and All Souls Day, the actions of Guy Fawkes and the fight for peace on Remembrance Sunday.

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  • A Time of Blessing...

    Published 01/01/20

    Happy New Year! I hope you felt blessed over the Christmas and New Year break.

    This month is a time of blessing for several different reasons...

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  • Christmas is…

    Published 19/12/19

    Christmas is a Time of Gathering. As families, as communities, as faithful people. Mary and Joseph were faithful and gathered with their community in Bethlehem. The Shepherds and Kings gathered to worship the baby that was born to be Saviour of the World because they were faithful to the messages they received.

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  • Advent

    Published 15/12/19

    Tis the season to be...watching and waiting

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  • Welcoming the Chaplain

    Published 17/11/19

    Although being thoroughly made to feel welcome in the Federation from September onwards, it felt worth waiting for to be welcomed, prayed for, anointed and blessed   by Bishop Karowei on the 14th November.

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  • Open Events

    Published 07/10/19

    Welcome to the Chapel!

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