As I walked through the park this morning, I noticed two things:
The amount of dogs being walked and the easy way people with dogs talk to other people with dogs;
And the amount of people who were doing their morning workout with a personal trainer.
Let’s do dogs another day.
It got me thinking about why someone gets a personal trainer and how you go about getting one.
It started me thinking about the role a personal trainer does for someone and what the result is by having one.
A personal trainer is someone who knows their stuff. They know what to do and they know many different ways to get there.
They listen to what you want to achieve and then get you there no matter what it takes.
You want to be fitter. You can do it. You want to be stronger. You can do it. You want to be a runner. You can do it.
So they are an encourager and a listener. All very good.
They see what you can already do and they build on what you have whilst adding to what you need.
They are focussed and positive. All very good too.
But they will also keep you on track when you want to slow down, they keep you going when you want to stop, they try something different when you want to find somewhere to sit.
They remind you of the things you want, they challenge your effort and question your stamina. Now that is hard.
But very very necessary sometimes.
If we want to succeed in changing something then we have to put the time and effort in.
If we want a different job then we need to do the training, search for the ways in and then, Yes. You can do it.
If we want to be living differently they we need to make choices to reduce our screen time, take up a sport, buy some books, find a new way and then, Yes. You can do it.
But then we need someone beside us sometimes to keep us accountable: keep us on track, focussed and challenged.
Someone to say: Come on you really want this, why don’t you try a different way and keep going, You can do it if you put your mind to it.
We have a Holy Spirit that can do that for us if we rely on God’s power in our lives.
There are folks that lead and people with a pastor’s heart that can help you live lives that bring glory to God and peace to His people.
And we have God’s inspired word in scripture to keep us on track.
Paul was the ultimate running mate, the coach to count on and the personal trainer to many many people.
To the church in Galatia he says ‘You were running a good race. Who stopped you?’ (Gal 5:7)
To the church in Rome he says ‘You may be suffering, but it brings us perseverance, character and hope’ (Rom 5:3-4)
To the church in Corinth he says ‘Run in such a way that you’re going to win the prize.’
The writer of Hebrews writes it beautifully:
Therefore since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders us…let us run with perseverance the race that is before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2a)
Why not find yourself a personal trainer in your life that will encourage you and keep you accountable to your goals.
To simplify and destress your lifestyle, to get fitter, to read more, learn something new or change something big or small. Whatever it is.
Ask God to be part of your journey, your running mate and see His encouragement in Scripture.
And remember – with God’s help and the support of others – You Can Do It!